Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. James 1:12
I wish I could say that I have been completely slammed with life and that is why I haven’t written in so long, but it is simply not true. I’ve been feeling so lethargic and completely fatigued lately. Actually, I have been falling asleep at 8:30 each night. I do most of my thinking and reflecting in the evening, but instead I have been snoozing. Nevertheless, God is moving in my life and I am grateful.
The last few weeks I have spent a lot of time thinking about the life God has given me right now. I have felt a need to completely shed my old life—to walk away from nearly everything in my past. All of the hurt, pain and suffering I have endured has made me stronger and has grown me in nearly every way. I have learned lessons along the way. I have officially moved on from the negative memories though. The memories I will embrace will be the good ones. I’ve been thinking about Meredith healthy not sick, Tyler happy not crying and clinging to my leg, and a happy future with my family not a hard one. It’s been good to completely refocus and move forward.
In September, I celebrated one year of marriage to Bryan. Our first year of marriage was not the easiest because of all my drama from my past. Even though it was so hard, Bryan was the most supportive, caring and prayerful partner I could ask for. When I think of how God has transformed my life over the years, I am grateful that He gave me such a precious husband. He is one of God’s greatest gifts to me. He is not a perfect man, but he is without a doubt perfect for me. I don’t want to come across bragging; only confirming that waiting on God for the right man is crucial. It felt amazing to have a husband who stood by my side in every way and loved me through many fiery trials this year. Praise God for such a sweet gift!
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