Monday, June 11, 2012
“Hope. It isthe only thing stronger than fear.”
–President Snow from The Hunger Games
It is so interesting how the themes that God is teaching me in my quiet time are being interwoven into my daily life. This quote grabbed me as I was sitting there watching this not so impressive movie about survival, oppression and ultimately hope. I have been wrestling with having hope. I have been crippled by fear. I’ve been here before. It is uncomfortable and I am so ready to get out of this pit. It is taking time though and I have to be patient. I know that God is doing a work in me right now. He’s stripping me of the things that are not in alignment with his purpose. He is challenging me to have courage, faith and dependence on Him. There are days I want to give up. But, deep down, there is a burning passion for my convictions-- a fire that cannot be extinguished. It keeps me from throwing in the towel and keeps me pushing forward. A friend asked me, “How do you keep going? How do you not give up? ” I found the question hard to answer. What I do know for sure is that my desire to fight and overcome comes from Christ and is fanned by my friends, family and large support system. God has always placed a person in my life to do for me what I feel like I cannot do for myself. My husband Bryan has been that person for me lately. God has given me such an amazing man—full of faith and perspective. He is calm, kind and analytical. I am high strung, impatient and impulsive. We are a match made in heaven! As I was sharing my hopelessness with him, he said, “Beth, I will hope for you. That is what the body of believers does for those in need.” I really liked that. I am so needy and It is so true that God responds to our needs through the hands and hope of those who love Him.

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