Monday, January 16, 2012

Reveal Yourself to Me

The New Year has started with a BANG on so many levels. I will never get used to how fast life changes. I remember when I was single, living in my townhome, teaching elementary school. Life was slow, uncomplicated and somewhat monotonous. Sometimes I long for those days…

Ultimately, change can be good though and honestly I have gotten used to living life day by day rather than planning my future. Meredith taught me this—to focus on one day at a time and to savor each one. There is something very scary as well as exciting living this way. I started my year out with a promising quote from Oswald Chambers, “Let the past rest in the sweet embrace of Christ. Leave the broken irreversible past in His hands and step out into the irresistible future.” This charge has come back to my mind over and over for the last two weeks. God gave me a great 2011. I married the sweetest, most gentle man and became a step-parent to two awesome boys. Tyler and I had a lot of special moments and our family grew closer. Everything that has happened this year has not been easy, but I know God is sovereign and faithful. Ultimately, I know His timing and plans for my life are best.

My Bible study challenged me to ask God to reveal Himself to me in a new way every day. I’ve been presently surprised and blessed by doing this. At first, l expected some kind of major revelation, but when that did not happen, I began looking at the details of my day. The first day, I received a sweet note from a friend. The second day, my husband made me laugh so much that I thought I might cry. The list goes on and on, Tyler singing me a song with the chorus, “I love you, Mommy,” an amazing talk about God with a wise and kind pastor, and a precious letter from my grandmother where she included the same Chambers quote that God has been bringing to my mind. What a great reminder that God is in the details and that He cares for me.

Thank you God, for always bringing me back to the powerful ways You work. Your peace and love is all I need.

1 comment:

truth in weakness said...

hey there, beth -- it's tanya from church. (my son & i met you one day after school last month.) i happened upon your blog, & wanted to say thanks for the encouragement to ask the Lord to reveal Himself to us in a new way.

i read that yesterday. and i asked. and last night, my husband demonstrated an act of grace & mercy that brought me to tears. not the sniffling kind of tears. the balling your eyes out kind.

and while it wasn't something new that i "learned" about the Lord, it was a part of Himself that He wanted me to experience anew. because His grace & mercy ARE new.
every single morning.
and yesterday, He offered me the opportunity to personally, abundantly taste and see that precious reality.

thanks again.