Sunday, April 1, 2012

Trust in the Lord

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
(Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV).

I remember God giving me these verses at a crucial time in my life over ten years ago. It was my junior year in college and I was preparing to take a test that would either keep me in my teaching program or cause me to choose a different line of work. I remember how I recited this verse over and over as I studied. This was the first time in my life I remember really struggling through something. My future seemed hinged upon this one test. I was at the mercy of God. I knew my brain could not absorb any more than I had put in it. I needed God to do it for me.

As I think back through my experience with the math portion of the Praxis, I remember how hard I worked, long I prayed and how desperate I was for God to help me pass. The result—I passed by one point. Yes, God brought me through by the skin of my teeth, but HE was faithful.

I’ve been at God’s mercy many times since then. My future has felt uncertain even when I believed I was in God’s will. It can be so difficult to stay faithful and obedient during the hard times. Focusing on the big picture can seem daunting when the little things don’t seem to make sense.

As my first real adult obstacle came back to my mind, I realized this was practice—a small act of faith and obedience. Giving up my daughter to God and still following Him has been my greatest test of faith. Now, as I face more trials, I know that obeying God is worth it. Trusting God during trials is difficult and victory does not come easy-- there is always a lot of wrestling, tears and submitting to Him. God is creative in the way He has brought me to the finish line, but He always gets me there for He is forever faithful.

1 comment:

Amy said...

How true your words are! The same verse was my lifeline when my Sophie was in the NICU for a month then had brain surgery at 2 1/2 months old. God brought me through each step and taught me to truly live day by day. Which is still a struggle sometimes, but every time I come back to this verse I feel peace. HE is in control! Your faith continues to be an inspiration to me. You are amazing!